Mar 12, 2019


Wow… we love getting your reviews. Here’s just a few from our lovely customers. Thank you so
much too all of you for your continued support.

‘Several years ago I decided to stop shaving and switch to waxing, but, I found waxing painful so
when Natalie said she was getting a laser machine I was keen to try it but nervous. I didn’t know
what to expect. How was it done? Would it really leave me hair free? More importantly would it
hurt? I had an initial consultation and Natalie completely put me at ease and answered all of my
questions. She did a little test area too.
I have now had 5 sessions to date and the results are amazing. The hair isn’t completely gone yet as
I’ve got a couple more sessions to go but what hair is left is very fine now. I am so pleased with the
It isn’t anywhere near as painful as waxing and the treatment takes half the time too, which means
more time in the salon for another treatment. The initial cost might seem high, but when compared
over the years to monthly waxing it is a huge cost saving. I wouldn’t use wax again, laser treatment is
the only option for me.’

‘Yesterday I had my daughter’s 8th birthday party at Beauty Withinn and they made the girls feel so
welcome! Their treatments were amazing and the girls felt like princesses! Thank you!’

My daughter and I had a lovely bonding afternoon at Beauty Withinn having our hair done. My
daughter really enjoyed it and chatted happily to the young girl shampooing her hair and Cody who
cut her hair. We’re both so happy with our hair and now, we’re booking to get our brows done… and

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